There is a lot of activity going on inside our brains when we make a decision to purchase something. Among other factors – design, materials, size and price all come into play. Research has shown that 85% of people purchase a product based on its colour over everything else. Colours are a significant component in establishing a brand's personality, triggering our emotions and our memories. A distinctive colour or colour palette can increase by 80% the likelihood that a consumer will instantly recognize a brand. Consistent application and presentation of these colour/s across all mediums are vital in building brand awareness. Once a brand's colour is rooted in a consumer's memory, it can achieve some amazing things. Let's look at four well-known companies that skillfully use their corporate colour/s to promote their product/service.
1. Pepto-Bismol
A pink liquid pours over columns of stock listings in this print ad. Does the economy have your stomach turning? Over 75% of the page is covered with the brand’s distinctive bubblegum pink.
Image: Pepto-Bismol
2. Mastercard
Here the company’s iconic red and yellow logo is instrumental in conveying the message. The colourful circles are synonymous with the brand. Notice that there is no mention of Mastercard anywhere on the ad.
Image: Mastercard
3. Tiffany
No imagery needed here, just colour. The company’s famous robin’s egg blue says it all. It takes a long time for a brand’s colour to acquire this kind of celebrity.
Image: Tiffany
4. McDonalds
Things get pushed to the limit with this pixelated image and provocative tagline. This ad relies on McDonald’s corporate red and yellow colours to help us make a connection to the brand and discern a package of french fries. A very bold concept. Once again, no logo.
Image: McDonalds